Evaluation and Assessment
For Grades 1 to 2- The level of attainment in literacy, Numeracy and scientific skills will be assessed through informal assessments at regular intervals.
- Observations, checklists, Work Sample, Interview and portfolios are some of the informal methods of assessment tools that support the teachers to monitor progress of students and will not be graded, scored or compared.
- A descriptive feedback about students on an individual basis will be handed over to the parents/guardians periodically.
- Along with informal assessments two formal end term exams will be administered to provide a standard data about the student’s progress.
- Three formal assessments during the academic year and two formal end term exams will be administered to provide a standard data about the student’s progress.
- Interim Assessment
The individual progress of each student from day one in the form of end of unit test / practical or skills based tests / homework or through class activity for the subjects specified in the program of study. - End of terms Assessment
Cumulative assessments are designed to consolidate learning ,which formulate strengths and actions to focus on for the following year and to provide a standard data about the student’s progress.